Friday, January 9, 2009

Anchored? (Original Post) #1! It feels kind of weird, awkward, and a little stupid. I guess the good thing is no one with any sense will actually be checking in!

For over a year and a half I have been thinking about the phrase "anchor of the soul." It comes from Hebrews 6:19 (hence the title of my blog). The imagery of Christ alone being what holds my soul at bay is one that I continue to ponder and wrestle with. It's hard to grasp the depths of his love for me. And not just for me but for all of mankind. To know that he alone can fix the brokenness that exists throughout this world as well as the brokenness that resonates within the soul of everyone is just so hard to fathom. It is truly a concept that cannot be grasped or understood by my simple mind. So the thoughts that follow, the stories I share, the questions I ask will all be clothed in the fact that God loves me more than I know and even more than I can believe. And He does that in a person, the God-man Jesus. Wow! That is what will keep me resting deeply in Him alone regardless of the depth of the sea or the severity of the storm.

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