Saturday, October 3, 2009

So She Says

Ever see the show, Kids Say The Darndest Things? Well if not, you are missing out because the show is hilarious. Scene after scene kids say anything and everything that is on their minds. I can remember watching it during the late 90's thinking..."Do kids really say such things off the top of their heads? Surely some, if not all of this, is scripted." As funny as the TV show was then, I could never have imagined how funny it would be to actually hear my own kids say such things. Our five year old daughter, Harper, happens to be at a stage which has us eagerly anticipating the next comical thing to come out of her mouth. Here are just a few of the most recent:

- "Do I have to spend this quarter daddy? It has the state of Mickasota on it."
- "When I grow up, I want to be a petanarian so I can take care of animals."
- "Lots of boys in Calahan's class have mohog haircuts."
- "I don't need to noose the bathroom."
- "Today at church I learned about Noah and the whale."
- "Miss Sarah, do you have smoke detectors at your house? You have to go outside if they go off."
- "Soccer cleats have sparks on the bottom of them."
- "I learn everything good from Curious George."

So if you need some free entertainment and you can't find any reruns of Kids Say The Darndest Things, feel free to drop by and spend a few minutes in dialogue with Harper. You will be sure to get your fill of laughs, and you may even learn something new, especially if Curious George is on.

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