Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Recently I participated in my friend Joseph's wedding. Throughout the weekend, I was reminded that Joseph and his friends are at a different life stage. Countless hours of basketball, wiffle ball, and college-like goofing around, although fun, wore me out! You see, Joseph is just a "few" years younger than me. However, what stood out most to me that weekend was the relationships between Joseph and his good friends. Guys from his childhood and college buddies shared stories and memories of lasting impact. As they interacted, the strong bonds that exist between them was evident. They truly love each other and desire to see one another grow as godly men.

Observing those interactions reminded me of the strong friendships that I have. As the years pass by, it becomes easier and easier to get wrapped up in the "here and now" and forget about relationships which were once much more prominent. And although the majority of my time and energy is now spent with my wife, kids, students, and people in my local community, I know that the person I am today has been greatly shaped by some of these life-long friends:

- Brad is the brother I never had. Since the age of 5 we competed, laughed and lived together.
- Reggie is the older brother that I always knew would protect me and keep me out of trouble.
- Goldy has shown me the virtue of loyalty.
- Busick has taught me how to encourage others through word and deed.
- BW has always been there to hold me in check and ask about my life.
- Rowland has taught me how to make everyone feel included.
- C-Scott has modeled selflessness and sacrifice.
- D-Rowe has taught me the fine art of listening (I need more of this).

These men are forever a part of my life, and I am truly grateful. Regardless of the amount of time that we now spend together, I know that I have friends for life, and the man I am now has been shaped by who they are. I just hope that it doesn't take another weekend of exhaustion to help me remember this!

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