Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Both of my kids recently celebrated birthdays. This year, I started a new tradition of writing my kids a letter for their birthday. I know, it's not nearly as appealing as a Nintendo Wii or an American Girl Doll, but hopefully one day it will be something they look back on and appreciate. I stole the idea from Matt Chandler, a pastor in Dallas that I really appreciate and follow (don't want anyone to accuse me of not giving proper credit). I thought I would share one of my letters:

Dear Calahan,

Happy Birthday! I cannot believe you are seven years old. It seems like it was just a few years ago when we were bringing you home from the hospital in Dallas.

I wanted to write you this letter on your birthday to tell you how special you are and how much your mom and I love you. Watching you grow as a young boy is so fun, and we are thankful that God has chosen us to raise you.

Some of my favorite memories over the past year include:
- Seeing you finish kindergarten
- watching you try to eat without your two front teeth
- coaching your soccer team, "The Bulldogs"
- fun times at the beach (golf, the ocean, bikes, putt-putt)
- watching you learn how to tie your shoes all by yourself
- your first trip to Chapel Hill (UNC/Dook football game)
- coaching your basketball team, "The Greenwaves"
- waking you up really late at night to watch UNC beat Dook in basketball
- playing Nintendo Wii with you

There are so many things I could write about because you are such a great son, and I always have fun with you. Since you are our first born, we are learning with you how to parent. By now you know that we mess up a lot and are still trying to figure out how to do this thing. We love you and want the best for you.

More than anything, we want you to know how much we love Jesus, and we want you to understand your need for him. I love you so much Son, but not as much as Jesus does. His love for you is perfect. He died for you, and I hope the rest of your life is changed because of that truth. As you grow older, my biggest desire for you is that you would fall more in love with Jesus. I hope that you will see how much your mom and I love Jesus, and you will love him too.

I am so happy to be your dad. God is so good to me to let me have such an amazing son.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Two Shining Moments

It was a Monday evening in late March of 1982 and my face was glowing. Partly because I was allowed to stay up so late on a school night, which for a 7 year old is a really big deal. But my face was also beaming because it was glued to the TV screen. And I mean literally glued. OK, well not literally glued but almost. I was forced to sit/stand within arms length of our television set because the picture would only come in clearly when the dial (if you don't understand ask your parents) was held at a certain angle. That night my mom and I took turns squeezing the dial while the other jumped up and down and cheered on the North Carolina Tarheels to a national championship.

That experience is forever etched in my memory as the beginning of my avid, sometimes borderline insane, infatuation with the North Carolina Tarheels. I am sure there were games and moments prior to that spring night but none more memorable.

This past Monday I shared the same experience with my 7 year old. Dressed in our Tarheel gear, Calahan and I sat in front of the tv and watched the entire game (even the postgame interviews and the infamous "one shining moment" video) until after midnight. He too was pumped about it all. Staying up 5 hours past his bedtime, getting to see Tyler, Danny and others play their last game and watching them win "the trophy" which he has been asking about since the season began.

The sentimentalist in me hopes that one day he will be blogging about that night or at least telling his kids about it. Who knows, he may soon forget it entirely. But one thing is for sure. I won't! And now, instead of one shining moment...I have two!